CompareFind similar colors
CreateCreate complements
ConvertConvert color data

Match color data in 4 easy steps

Match color data
Step 1 of 4

Select from the list the type of input data you will insert.
Some color spaces (XYZ, CIE-L*ab for example) require to additionally select the proper illuminant (light condition) and observer (viewing angle). In case of RGB or CMYK data the default illuminant and observer (D65/2°) are automatically set. If the selected illuminant/observer are not D65/2°, a warning message will be displayed as the matching function will convert the input data to the target default illuminant/observer before matching the color.

Step 2 of 4

Insert your color data in the entry fields. Previously entered data will be inserted by default making easy to transfer the same data across the different tools of the site.
As an alternative to manually entering the color data, it is possible to pick a color previously saved.
The RESET button is available immediately below to clean all the entry fields and start a new insertion.

Step 3 of 4

Select from the list of available collections the target fandeck, standard or color card.
If you would like to find the closest colors across the whole database select the "All collections" option from the list. This mode will require a little extra time as it will check hundreds of thousand of stored color codes.

Step 4 of 4

Press the MATCH button to find the closest colors in the selected collection.
The tool automatically checks for source data consistency. In case an entered value is not compatible with the select color space an error will be displayed and the associated entry filed will be flagged with a red icon ().


As a result a large color swatch containing the original and the matching colors will be displayed. The main swatch background and upper-left part will contain the original color followed by the best matching tints. Each color swatch will be clearly identified by the corresponding sRGB values, ΔE, code/name and reference to the collections it belongs.



Clicking on any of the color swatches will open the "options" dialog, where additional choices are available for the selected color:

  • CREATE complements, themes or harmonies based on the selected color.
  • CONVERT the selected color data to different standards.
  • SAVE the selected color for future use.
  • SAVE ALL the color results for future use.


Saved colors, if available, are displayed immediately below the entry fields. These colors can be used as an alternative to manually entering color data. To pick a saved color just click on it and the related values will be transferred to the entry fields automatically.
Positioning the mouse cursor on top of each color makes the color name or content to appear (this could not work on phones, tablets and touch screen devices).